Title: Shattered

The hospital room was filled with a deafening silence, broken only by the soft beeping of the machines monitoring Netra's vitals. Siddharth sat there, lost in a haze of disbelief and grief, his mind replaying the moments leading up to this tragic turn of events.

As he looked at Netra lying motionless on the hospital bed, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed him. Anger, sorrow, confusion - they all mingled together, creating a storm within him. How could she leave him like this, without a word of explanation? Why did she have to keep such a crucial secret hidden from him?

The questions swirled in Siddharth's mind, tormenting him with their unanswerable nature. He reached out to hold Netra's hand, feeling the coldness seeping through her lifeless fingers. The memories of their time together flooded his senses, from the laughter-filled days to the quiet moments of shared intimacy. How could it all come crashing down like this?

A knock on the door broke Siddharth's reverie, and he looked up to see a nurse entering the room. Her gentle eyes held a mix of sympathy and professionalism as she approached him. "Mr. Nayak, I'm sorry for your loss," she began, her voice soft yet carrying the weight of the news she bore.

Siddharth's heart clenched at those words, the finality of them hitting him like a ton of bricks. His gaze shifted back to Netra, his mind struggling to accept the truth before him. She was gone, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill.

In that moment of anguish, a resolve ignited within Siddharth. He needed answers, closure, a way to make sense of the shattered pieces of his life. With a steely determination, he turned to the nurse and asked, "What happened to her? Why didn't she tell me?"

The nurse hesitated for a moment, her gaze reflecting a mix of compassion and caution. "There were complications, Mr. Nayak, she chose to keep it to herself," she explained gently.

Siddharth's world tilted on its axis at those words, the revelation adding another layer of complexity to his grief. How could he have been so blind to her suffering, so oblivious to the storm raging beneath the surface of their seemingly perfect life?

As he grappled with the harsh reality confronting him, Siddharth knew one thing for certain - the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and huge responsibilities. Amidst the shattered pieces of their once-promising future, a glimmer of hope flickered in Siddharth's heart when a crying voice echoed in the room. His eyes fell on a soft small cotton like structure lying in a cradle beside Netra.

While he was grieving over his late wife their was a little soul who just came into the world unaware of anything happening around.

With heavy heart and numb feet Siddharth moved towards the little soul who is crying for the motherly warmth. Siddharth gently picked up the baby and kissed the little feet. Tears of joy ,pain were flowing non-stop , the best moment of a man's life turned into misery. A conflict between his heart and mind whether to be happy ,to scream on top of his voice in joy that he is blessed with a baby girl or blame his destiny or god the creator for playing a dirty game with his life.

'Siddhuuuu what do you think, will we have baby girl or baby boy?"

"Ney... it doesn't matter if we have a baby boy or baby girl. The only thing that matter's is the baby is ours's and we have to take care of our baby with all the love and care.. Ok Mumma to be.."

"OK fine but did you planned any name for our baby?"

"Of course but I won't tell you"

"Siddhu please know , don't tease me now. Just tell me the names already"

"ok fine if we have a baby girl then we will name her Tarini Siddharth Nayak and if we have a baby boy then we will name him Yuvaan Siddharth Nayak."

"Hmm ok but I want to name Chaitra if we have baby girl "

"Chaitra... are you serious what's wrong with Tarini ?"

"Their is nothing wrong with that though but we will name our baby as Chaitra only , promise me"

"Ok fine but why though and what does Chaitra means ?"

"Chaitra means new bright light"

Siddharth's heart clenched remembering their happy moments. He finally understood why she had been so insistent on naming their baby Chaitra if it was a girl. Netra had known about the complications and her slim chances of survival, but kept it carefully hidden from him. He felt angry, anguish ,helplessness altogether , Did he fail as a husband ? He doesn't know but he does know that his wife wanted to name their baby Chaitra because she wanted their baby to be a new bright light in Siddharth's broken dark life.

His ray of hope,

Hope to live for his daughter,

Be their for her

He cuddled the baby close to his heart silently promising to take care of her and provide her Forever Warmth .

With trembling feet he moved towards his wife carrying their baby in his arms gently. Sitting beside her he looked at his wife who left him and their newborn baby without any care. He softly placed a kiss on Netra's forehead while his heart clenched thinking of their incomplete love story. He gently moved their baby towards Netra to feel the motherly warmth for the first and last time.

He delicately kissed the baby's forehead and held her soft small fingers and called out "Chaitra Siddharth Nayak"- acknowledging her as the new bright light in his life. Though his heart was shattered, this tiny girl gave him reason to live on and fulfill his beloved wife's last wish.

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